War of Hearts : Sources and Resources
Here’s a sample of the reference books and papers used to reconstruct Grace Winter and Avery Love’s worlds in War Of Hearts. Of course, there’s nothing quite like visiting the places you are writing about, so I highly recommend that too.
- A Light in the Darkness: The Interaction between Catholicism and World War I: Maggie Brennan\ Purdue University.
- “Providing Shepherds for Soldiers: A History of Catholic Military Chaplaincy in the U.S.” Reverend Mark Francis O’Malley, Hist.Eccl.D. April 21, 2010 Archbishop Peter L. Gerety Lecture Series.Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology Seton Hall University
- Australian Imperial Force war diaries 1914-1918: Title Senior Chaplain ANZAC Mounted division. Sept, 1917
- Roman Catholic Army Chaplains During the First World War : Roles, Experiences and Dilemmas by Martin Purdy. A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements of the degree of MA (by Research) at the University of Central Lancashire January 201
- Father Duffy’s Story: Life and Death with the Fighting 69th Irish American Soldiers in World War 1: By Francis Patrick Duffy; Adansonia Press: 1919
- The Complete illustrated History of Catholicism & The Catholic Saints: Consultant: Reverend Ronald Creighton-Jobe & Tessa Paul: Hermes house: London 2011
- Spreading The Spy Net. Henry Landau, Published by Jarrolds, London , 1938
- I Was A Spy: Marthe McKenna. 1940. McKenna, Marthe. Published byNew Chevron / Queensway Press, 1940
- Female Intelligence: Women and Espionage in the First World War. Tammy M. Proctor. New York University press. 2003.
- Women Heroes of World War 1: 17 Remarkable Resisters, Soldiers, Spies and Medics. Kathryn. J. Atwood.
Newspapers and Propaganda
11. How we Advertised America: George Creel: Harper and Brothers Publishers: New York and London: 1920
- The History of the New York Times: Davis. Date Unknown. Probably circa 1925. Sourced online
- Adventures and letters of Richard Harding Davis.: Charles Belmont Davis. Cosimo Classics New York. 2005
- The Wars of Peggy Hull: Wilda M. Smith Eleanor Bogart, Texas Western Pr; 1991
- The Stars and Stripes: Doughboy Journalism in World War 1: Alfred E. Cornebise Greenwood Press, Connecticut: 1984
- Nelly Bly. Around the World in Seventy-Two days. The Pictorial Weeklies Company. NYC 1890.

There is nothing like going to the places you are writing about to create an emotional connection that gives you great power and a personal touch with which to write.
18. The Forty-Third : The Story and Official history of the 43rd Battalion,A.I.F. Date : Published 1920
19. Australian POWs: The Untold Stories of WW1: David Coombes. Big Sky Publishing. 2021
20.The Lost Boys: The untold stories of underage Anzac soldiers who fought in the first World war. Paul Byrnes: Affirm Press: 2019
21. The Anzacs: Patsy Adam-Smith: Thomas Nelson Australian Pty. Ltd. 1978World War 1: The Definitive Visual Guide: RG. Grant. Penguin Random House 2018
22.The Australian soldier: Collection 1914- 1918. Lawrence Brown and Marc Le Moal. Orep editions.
23. The Animals: Heroes of the Great War. 1914-1918: Cristophe Thomas. Orep editions.
24. Personal Handwritten Diary 1917/18 of Arthur Frank Starbuck as kindly supplied by his grand-daughter Rhonda Chudoschnik.
25. America’s Forgotten Pandemic. Alfred W. Crosby. Cambridge University Press 2003
26. Pandemic 1918: The Story of the Deadliest Influenza in History: Catherina Arnold. Jan 2018. Michael O’Mara Publisher
27. The Great Influenza: John M. Barry. Penguin General UK. 2020.

In Sedan’s Historical Society pouring over German maps of the town under occupation.
- Diary of the 1914-1918 War: Yves Congar ATF Press 2015
- Le Pays Sedanais Tome 34. 2016. Anciennes Annales Sedanaises. Societe d’historique et d’Archeologie du Sedanais.
- The Obscure Heroes of Liberty: The Belgian People who aided escaped allied soldiers during the Great War of 1914-1918: Kenneth M. Baker. 2018
- A Nun, a Convent and the German occupation of Belgium: Mother Marie Georgine’s Diary of World War 1: Rene Kollar.
- Testament of Youth: An autobiographical study of the Years 1900-1925: Vera Brittain,
- An English Governess in the Great War: The Secret Brussels Diary of Mary Thorp by Sophie De Schaepdrijver and Tammy M. Proctor. Oxford University Press. 2017
- Louvain: A personal Experience: Englebert Cappuyns. Kingston-on-Thames. Knapp, Drewett & Sons Ltd. 1915
- The History of the 77th Division- Designed and written in the Field- France: By the 77th Division Association, New York. Wynkoop, Hallenbeck Crawford Company printers. 1919
- The Irish Wise Guys: The Stories of the most notorious Irish-American Gangsters: John Joe McGinley.
- War Paint: Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein: Their lives, their times, their rivalry. By Lindy Woodland.
- The Harding affair: Love and Espionage during the Great War: James David Robenalt: John W. Dean .
- The Army Medical Department 1917- 1941 – Mary C. Gillett. Center of Military History. US Army. Washington. DC. 2009.